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World heritage-listed Washpool National Park is a place of dramatic gorges, crystal-clear waters and magnificent ancient rainforest. It’s situated almost midway between Glen Innes and Grafton on the NSW north coast. 
For many thousands of years, Washpool was a meeting place for the Bundjalung, Ngarrabul and Gumbaynggir nations: a place of creation stories, initiation and sacred sites, of abundant food and water and, when Europeans arrived, a place of refuge. 
In the 1900s, it was a place of work for cedar cutters and saw millers. One of them, Bill Haydon, a man known as ‘the Cedar King’, got lost there and was never found, after one of the largest searches in NSW history. Later still, it was a site for strong protest from conservationists, leading to its eventual World Heritage-listed protection. 
Washpool’s importance now lies in the study of its natural beauty – its diverse trees, plants, birds and wildlife tell us much about its past and our collective future.
This Soundtrail received grant funding from the Australian Government, brought to you by New England High Country tourism group in partnership with Soundtrails. Credits and Contributors.

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