Based on community values and expectations, Glen Innes Severn area will retain its strong agricultural base, build its tourism offerings and target new business growth.
A proactive strategy for population and employment growth will be supported by an attractive environment for new investment that is ‘open for business’ – creating one of the leading inland destinations for ‘tree change’ and lifestyle-driven business growth in New South Wales.
The Plans vision states: Glen Innes Severn will have a vibrant, confident and inclusive community supported by a sustainable and prosperous economy underpinned by a well-maintained road network.
The Community Strategic Plan, is the community driven plan for the future of Glen Innes Severn local government area (LGA). It outlines what our community have told us they want to see in the LGA as it grows over the next 10 years.
The Plan outlines the key challenges and opportunities that are facing Glen Innes Severn Council and the Glen Innes Highlands area including:
1. Community services - Create a growing community with optimal access to community services and facilities.
2. Economic development - Facilitate a growing local economy by continuing to support an attractive business climate.
3. Infrastructure management - As a priority, provide adequate infrastructure and facilities for the existing and future population.
4. Environment and heritage - Manage the natural values of our local area and conserve our heritage to ensure that it is enjoyed by the community, visitors and future generations.
5. Council sustainability, transparency and communication - Continue to be a sustainable and independent council, and foster transparency through clear communication with both internal and external customers.
The final Economic Development Strategy 2020-2040 and Action Plan 2020-2025 has been completed following an extensive process including:
Document Access:
2. Summary of Community Consultation - round 1
3. Draft PLACE Strategy 2020-2040 and PLACE Action Plan
4. Summary of Community Consultation - round 2
5. Final Economic Development Strategy 2020-2040 and Action Plan 2020-2025
The Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) plans for the Glen Innes Severn community’s economic, social and environmental land use needs over the next 20 years.
It sets clear planning priorities about what will be needed, such as jobs, homes, services and parks, where these should be best located and when they will be delivered.
The LSPS sets short, medium and long terms actions to deliver the priorities for the community’s future vision.
“Glen Innes Highlands is the place to experience a unique lifestyle with opportunity, connection and wellbeing among a cherished and sustainable environment”
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The 20-Year Economic Vision for Regional NSW, released in 2018, sets out the Government’s priorities and plans to achieve long-term social and economic success for regional communities across the state.
The 2018 Vision has been refreshed in response to the changed economic landscape and opportunities that have emerged in regional NSW following the drought, bushfires, flood and COVID-19 pandemic.
New England North West
New England & North West is a diverse economy and produces around one-fifth of NSW’s agricultural output. Recent climate events have impacted agribusiness and tourism, while the COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily delayed recovery efforts. To accelerate economic recovery, the NSW Government is investing in the Moree Special Activation Precinct, the New England Renewable Energy Zone and a wide range of infrastructure to meet local needs and to support the expansion of agriculture, mining, freight and manufacturing industries.
Three core strategies have been identified to capture the opportunities, manage risks and deliver on the vision for the Region:
A: Improve connectivity as a foundation for growth
B: Support and grow key sectors
C: Attract new businesses and residents to the Region.
The Northern New England High Country Regional Economic Development Strategy 2018–2022 (the Strategy) sets out a long term economic vision and associated core strategies for the functional economic region (the Region) encompassing the Glen Innes Severn, Tenterfield Shire and Southern Downs Regional Council Local Government Areas (LGAs).
Economic research suggests that Regions are becoming increasingly specialised in the key engine industries that drive the regional economies and the region’s relative strengths (endowments) play a key role in determining these specialisations.
This Strategy is based on industry specialisations that leverage the Region’s key endowments, including its climate, location, productive agricultural land, transport infrastructure, renewable energy resources, tourism assets, and local institutions, to guide investment and actions over the period 2018 to 2022.
Acknowledgement of Country
Glen Innes Highlands acknowledges and pays respect to the Ngarabul people as the traditional custodians of this land, their elders past, present and emerging, and to Torres Strait Islander people and all First Nations people.
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