Glen Innes Highlands are progressive in their approach to sport and sporting facilities.
With quality gyms, sporting fields, sports focused schools and other facilities making the Highlands an ideal location for families to be involved in an active lifestyle.
The region is a prominent sporting area and has produced athletes and sporting teams over various sports who have excelled at regional, state, national and even international levels.
There is a vast array of sports and sporting clubs to become part of or if you prefer more leisurely activities there are range of facilities to suit your needs.
There are many ways to enhance a healthy lifestyle in the Glen Innes Highlands. We have a range of facilities in our town and surrounding villages, offering a variety of leisure activities for all ages.
• Acquatic Centre
• Bowling greens
• Golf courses
• Rollerskating
• Community Centre (Tai Chi, Yoga)
• Roller Park
• Skate Park
With more than 40 sporting clubs in the Glen Innes Highlands, you can immerse yourself in your chosen sport or find a new and rewarding physical challenge.
Whether your niche is football, netball, equine, basketball or you are an all-rounder the sporting community is welcoming to new members and there is a club for everyone.
A comprehensive list of clubs and facilities is coming soon.
Sporting Facilities (Coming Soon)
Sporting Clubs (Coming Soon)
There are a number of new recreational and sporting facilities on this horizon including:
Glen Innes Indoor Sports Centre – A new purpose-built regional netball and sporting facility is now fully funded.
Centennial Parklands Master Plan – A new plan for additional recreational and sport at the site and linking to our shared pathways around town.
New England Rail Trail – In partnership with Armidale Regional Council to support the health and wellness of our communities and attract visitors to our region.
Sporting Facilities Master Plans – A suite of facilities and spaces that will actively encourage and support increased participation in sport and recreation by local residents.
Acknowledgement of Country
Glen Innes Highlands acknowledges and pays respect to the Ngarabul people as the traditional custodians of this land, their elders past, present and emerging, and to Torres Strait Islander people and all First Nations people.
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