Community Support


Children and Family Services
Early Intervention for children between 0-6 years of age experiencing concerns of a delay in development or a diagnosed disability. This family focused service supports families to exercise choices and create strategies to enhance, support and assist families to enable individual children to reach their full potential.

Supported Playgroups Programs, designed to create opportunities to build and strengthen children’s development, support families and promote community engagement, health and wellbeing. Each playgroup is filled with fun activities, crafts, group play and provide a great opportunity for parents and carers to network and get to know the community agencies that offer services in the Glen Innes Highlands region.

Out of School Hours Care, provides care for primary school aged children. The focus is to provide a range of recreational activities for children in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. Programs are based on children’s interests and ideas with meaningful play promoted to embrace context for learning through which children can organize and make sense of their social world as they engage actively with people, objects, ideas and the environment.

My Time. My Time is a support group for carers of children with a disability or serious illness. My Time aims to create a time for parents and carers to build supportive relationships with each other and the community.

Children and Family services also assists with choice and control for NDIS services.

Youth Services
Glen Innes Severn Council has employed a Youth Worker since 2009. The Youth Worker promotes access to activities and organisations that enhance community involvement and encourage the development of self-esteem, self-reliance and social confidence in young people, and facilitates delivery of services by relevant providers to young people.
Life Choices Support Services

Most people like to live in their own home, but if you are a person who is older or you are living with a disability and feel that you would like some support, Life Choices – Support Services can assist. Offering services that give you independence to keep living actively and healthily at home with the staff doing just the specific tasks that you require assistance with.

Glen Innes Severn Council provides support programs across the Glen Innes Highlands, Inverell and Tenterfield local government areas through Life Choices – Support Services. The services focus on innovation, choice, enhanced consumer independence, variety, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility.

Glen Innes Severn Council is a locally registered National Disability Scheme (NDIS) provider, with Life Choices – Support Services offering: Plan management, coordination of supports, community access (both individually and Group), daily living activities, capacity building and home maintenance.

Home care packages (HP Level 1 through 4), Community Home Support Programme (CHSP) for older people and services for people who aren’t eligible for funding are also provided.

Glen Innes and District Community Centre
The role of the Glen Innes & District Community Centre is to provide an information and referral service, and crisis welfare assistance that is available to residents and visitors in the Glen Innes Severn Council local government area located in the New England Region of NSW. It also provides a meeting venue for many local organisations.

Community Support and Welfare 
Carers Morning Tea, Glen Innes Community Centre, Library, Police, Fire, Ambulance, SES, Salvation Army, Op Shop, St Vincent De Paul, Centrelink, .Youth and Family Support, Meals On Wheels, MS Society, Parkinsons Support, Red Cross, Sheltered Workshop Auxillary, Glen industries, Diabetes Support, Prostrate Support, Cancer Support Group, AA, and Rural Financial Counselling.

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