Glen Innes Highlands has available assets ready to be repurposed or developed. Our location at the intersection of the Gwydir and New England Highways, proximity to the coast and the Toowoomba air freight hub make it an ideal base for new business and investments.
We have several locational advantages including: Our Region is aligned along the New England Highway which is a major national route providing access to both Sydney and South East Queensland.
Proximity to the Brisbane, Gold Coast and the NSW Northern Rivers Regions lies within 4 hours’ drive. Proximity to Toowoomba, with the Wellcamp Airport international freight hub being within 3 hours’ drive of the Region.
This provides significant opportunities for the air-freight export of fruit and vegetables and potentially stud livestock, produced in the Region.
Proximity to agricultural processing infrastructure in South East Queensland including the meat processing plants at Warwick and the vegetable processing and packaging plants in the Stanthorpe District, Lockyer Valley and Brisbane area.
The Plan addressed a number of issues including improvements in pedestrian safety, upgrade of street lighting to meet Australian Standards, development of a town square/shared zone in front of the Town Hall and tree planting in the centre of the street.
In 2012, Council was successful in its application for a $1.8 million Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) loan from the NSW Government, which will enabled the CBD Master Plan to be completed in a shorter time frame. Under the LIRS scheme, Council received a four percent (4%) interest subsidy on the loan, making it much more cost effective and affordable.
Water - The water supply for domestic consumption for Glen Innes is secure, even under the current drought conditions and additional capacity is available for growth. To view the Glen Innes Drought Management Plan click here.
Digital Connectivity - Glen Innes Severn Council is seeking funding to provide additional mobile towers in the west of their LGA. A mobile black spot program is in train - read more here.
The NBN is currently being rolled out (fibre to the curb/node) and is due for completion in June 2020.
NBN Fixed wireless is available in the rural areas surrounding Glen Innes, with access determined by the topography. The rural areas have access via Sky Muster satellite.
Sewerage - There was a state-of-the-art sewerage treatment plant upgrade in 2010 which will accommodate future population growth for the township. The reticulation infrastructure is being progressively upgraded to ensure the system can accommodate the existing population requirements and future growth.
Waste Management - Glen Innes Severn operate land-fill sites, with these sites having capacity for 25+ years. There is an opportunity to establish value-adding recycling operations for the region in Glen Innes Highlands.
Electricity - is provided by TransGrid, which owns and operates the high voltage transmission network that delivers electricity to the Region, and Essential Energy, which owns and operates the distribution network within the Region.
The proposed property is Lot 1 DP 500396 Dumaresq Street Glen Innes. It is located on the corner of the Gwydir Highway and Dumaresq Street approximately 1.8 km west from the intersection of the New England Highway and Gwydir Highway.
The site is relatively flat with fall of approximately 6 metres from the south eastern corner to the north western corner see Figure 2. Contour details. The site is devoid of native vegetation with a willow tree located on the block and a row of cotoneaster which appears to be located on the adjoining property. The property has a covering of improved grass species and common native species such as Parramatta grass. The land has been used for grazing purposes for a number of years.
The site has one (1) development located on the land, being a solar business approved by Council in 2017. Three (3) residential properties are located less than 100 metres from the external boundary of the site whilst a further three (3) are located less than 200 metres from the external boundary of the proposed development. An existing industrial business is located on the eastern side of Dumaresq Street being Weir Built. The southern boundary has the racecourse and a new Wind Turbine Park.
Lot Sizes:
Lot 1 Approximately 3,271 m2
Lot 2 Approximately 3,271 m2
Lot 3 Approximately 3,260 m2
Lot 4 Approximately 9,760 m2
Lot 5 Approximately 22,442 m2
Freezer and cold storage facilities are fully operational - all ready for a processing, distribution or export enterprise.
Council owns centrally-located land ideal for small manufacturing or start-ups. The land has B-double access from New England and Gwydir Highways; Council would consider a full infrastructure development.
Storage facilities and warehousing - Disused buildings are available for conversion or development. For storage and warehousing facilities for sale or lease, see local estate agents listings on these websites.
Traditionally used for livestock sales, the Glen Innes Regional Saleyards his is a facility that could suit other emerging & growth livestock, such as goats, alpacas and deer.
There are frequent opportunities to lease or purchase heritage properties in Glen Innes Highlands’ well-preserved town center.
The racecourse is a huge asset with enormous potential. Currently it’s used for January’s Glen Innes Cup race day and awaits a bright idea to extend more use throughout the year.
This beautiful Heritage building is an iconic local asset awaiting a new future.
Located close to the center of town opportunities are endless to service the potential Rail Trail project and the many visitors it would attract.
Glen Innes is situated in clear air space – this makes the airport an attractive destination for recreational aircraft and for flight training.
Retaining the airport as a high quality infrastructure asset is important for the wider region.
Glen Innes has a growing visitor economy making it the ideal destination to set up a tourism business.
A shortage of accommodation during main festival events and other key periods of the year present an opportunity to leverage the growth.
Acknowledgement of Country
Glen Innes Highlands acknowledges and pays respect to the Ngarabul people as the traditional custodians of this land, their elders past, present and emerging, and to Torres Strait Islander people and all First Nations people.
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