August 2022 Grants & Funding Opportunities

Informing committees, community groups, businesses, sporting organisations, Council, not-for-profits and individuals of potential funding opportunities through grants and programs.

Welcome to the last month of winter. This August newsletter provides information on a selection of business, community, infrastructure and COVID-19 community, business or individual funding and support opportunities that are currently available.

Links are provided at the end of each grant or support listing to direct you to the appropriate website for full details and how to apply for that program.

For details on Glen Innes Severn Council grants for EOFY 2021/2022, see the tables on Item 7.4, pages 207-210 of the 28 July 2022 GISC Meeting Annexures document.

You can also subscribe to receive our Economic Development newsletter.

Enjoy August. 

Richard Quinn - Grants Officer
Glen Innes Severn Council
Business Grants

Alfresco Restart Rebate

Open: Now
Closes: 30 September 2022 or if 5,000 registrations are accepted prior.
Value:  Up to $5,000
Run By: NSW Government – Service NSW

If you operate a small or medium food and beverage business wanting to create or expand your outdoor dining area, you may be eligible for a rebate of up to $5,000 under the NSW Government’s Alfresco Restart package. The rebate is available to the first 5,000 eligible small or medium food and beverage businesses that register. Businesses must first register to confirm their eligibility and registrations will close when 5,000 businesses have successfully registered.

Businesses that have successfully registered can claim their rebate from April 2022 for expenses incurred from 14 October 2021 to 30 June 2022.

Further information & eligibility.

Start-up Travel Stipend

Open: Now
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Up to $2,000
Run By: NSW Government

Regional recipients of the Minimum Viable Product grant can now claim up to $2,000 to help them travel for an innovation-related purpose.

The stipend removes cost barriers that would otherwise prevent an early-stage startup from participating in innovation-related meetings, programs or events at the Sydney Startup Hub launch or run through the Local Innovation Network.

This helps to ensure regional entrepreneurs can access the full benefits of the NSW Government’s investment in creating sustainable innovation communities.

Further information & eligibility.

Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program 

Open: Now
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Range of financial incentives
Run By: Australian Government - Department of Education, Skills and Employment

The objective of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program is to contribute to the development of a highly skilled and relevant Australian workforce that supports economic sustainability and competitiveness. The Program contains a range of employer incentives and personal benefit payments to Australian Apprentices.

Further information & eligibility.

Regional Skills Relocation Grant 

Open: Now
Closes: Ongoing
Value:  Up to $10,000 per worker
Run By: NSW Government - Regional NSW

Grants will be available for businesses operating in NSW regional eligible industries. The funding is available to assist with the relocation costs of eligible skilled workers they employ that move from metropolitan areas to Regional NSW.
Approved businesses will be reimbursed up to $10,000 to assist with the following relocation costs incurred by eligible skilled workers they employ:

  •  furniture removal
  •  travel for immediate family to relocate
  •  temporary accommodation for up to three months
  •  furniture storage for up to three months.
Further information & eligibility.

NSW Quad Bike and SSV Safety Rebate

Open: Now
Closes: Ongoing
Value:  Up to $2,000
Run By: NSW Government – SafeWork NSW

If you own or operate a farm or a business that uses quad bikes or an SSV, or you work on one, you may be eligible for a safety rebate. As an owner or operator, you'll be eligible to apply for a maximum of $2,000 per ABN.

Further information & eligibility.

Electric Vehicle Rebate - Business

Open: Now
Closes: Ongoing
Value:  Up to $3,000
Run By: NSW Government - Revenue

The NSW Government will offer $3,000 rebates for the first 25,000 new full battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), purchased for a dutiable value of less than $68,750 that are registered on or after 1 September 2021.

A business or organisation is eligible for the rebate on a new BEV or FCEV that is purchased and registered for business usage in NSW, if that business or organisation operates less than 10 vehicles in NSW at the time of registration. If a business or organisation has claimed a rebate in another state or territory for the same vehicle(s) it will not be eligible for a rebate in NSW.  Rebates will be available for up to two vehicles for eligible businesses and organisations. 

Glen Innes currently has charging stations located behind the Visitor Information Centre and Town Hall.

Further information & eligibility.

SafeWork Small Business Rebate

Open: Now
Closes: Ongoing
Value:  Up to $1,000
Run By: NSW Government – SafeWork NSW

If you are a small business owner in NSW, this $1,000 rebate will help you purchase safety items to improve work health and safety for you and your workers. Small business owners and sole traders who have an ABN and less than 50 full-time employees. Charities and not-for-profits can also apply.  

Further information & eligibility.

Business Energy Advice Program

Open: Now
Closes: Ongoing
Value:  Complimentary expert advice
Run By: Australian Government – Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

The Business Energy Advice Program (BEAP) delivers advice to help small businesses and their representatives get better energy deals and reduce their energy usage. A free personalised energy consultation and access to a Small Business Energy Check tool will be provided to you. This funded service is available to Australian businesses with 6 to 20 employees. Or if you've been adversely affected by drought, your business can have between 0 and 20 employees.

Further information & eligibility.

Community Grants

Strengthening Rural Communities – Rebuilding Rural Communities - Small Grants

Open: Now
Closes: 5pm, 30 August 2022
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) from Australian Government funding
The Rebuilding Regional Communities stream runs as a stream within the Strengthening Rural Communities program.
Grants are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that assist communities to recover from and adapt to the impacts of the COVID pandemic.  Funds can support community-led, place-based initiatives that:

  • Enhance the process of recovery from the COVID pandemic for remote, rural and regional communities;
  • Reduce social isolation and foster stronger, more resilient remote, rural and regional communities; and/or
  • Sustain local, regional, rural and remote organisations and their work.

The Rebuilding Regional Communities stream received grant funding from the Australian Government.

Further information & eligibility.

Volunteer Museum Grants - Project Development Grants and Small Grants Streams

Open: Now
Closes: 11 September 2022
Value:  Project Development Grants: $2,500 to $7,500; Small Grants: Up to $2,000
Run By: NSW Government – Museums and Galleries of NSW
Project Development Grants empower community museums and keeping places to carry out strategic and innovative projects with mid to long-term outcomes.
Further information & eligibility
Small Grants aim to meet the short-term, collection-based requirements of community museums. There are no set categories for funding, and applications for a broad range of projects will be considered.
Further information & eligibility.

Family Home Guarantee (FHG) – Australian Government

Open: Now
Closes: 30 June 2025. Limit of 5,000 places available each financial year to eligible applicants.
Value: Guarantee is for up to a maximum amount of 18% of the value of the property.
Run By: Australian Government – National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation

The FHG aims to support eligible single parents with at least one dependent child in purchasing a family home, regardless of whether that single parent is a first home buyer or a previous homeowner. 

Under the FHG, part of an eligible first home buyer’s home loan from a Participating Lender is guaranteed by NHFIC. This enables an eligible buyer to purchase a home with as little as a 2% deposit without paying Lenders Mortgage Insurance.  

Any Guarantee of a home loan is for up to a maximum amount of 18% of the value of the property (as assessed by your lender). This Guarantee is not a cash payment or a deposit for a home loan. 

From 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2025, 5,000 places are available each financial year to eligible single parents with dependents. 

Further information & eligibility.

Parents NSW Vouchers

Open: Now
Closes: 9 October 2022
Value: 5 x $50 Parents NSW Vouchers. Total $250.
Run By: NSW Government – Service NSW
The NSW Government has launched Parents NSW Vouchers to reward and thank eligible NSW households for their efforts to support learning from home in 2021. The 5 x $50 Parents NSW vouchers can be used at participating businesses:

  •  7 days a week, including public holidays;
  •  at participating businesses that offer arts, tourism and recreational activities; and
  •  at “Stay NSW” businesses for accommodation bookings.

Further information and eligibility.

Regional Events Acceleration Fund – Round Two

Open: Now
Closes: 5pm, 4 October 2022
Value: 3 Streams - Major Event Enhancement: $50,000 to $200,000; Major Event Attraction: Minimum of $100,000; Major Event Accessibility and Inclusion: $15,000 to $100,000
Run By: NSW Government - Regional NSW

The aim of the funding is to help attract new events to the regions, make existing iconic regional NSW events even bigger and better and improve accessibility and inclusion at major events.The types of events eligible for funding include:

  • major sporting and lifestyle events
  • major food and beverage events
  • major music, art, cultural and regionally significant agricultural field day events

Further information and eligibility

Children and Young People Wellbeing Recovery Initiative - Large Grants

Open: Now
Closes: 31 December 2022 or until expended
Value:  $10,000 to $50,000
Run By: NSW Government – Regional NSW
This program supports the wellbeing of children and young people living in regional NSW to recover from and build resilience to future adversity. It leverages the work of Regional Youth Community Coordinators (YCC) to identify projects for funding in regional NSW Local Government Areas (LGAs). Funding recipients can be government or non-government organisations in eligible regional Local Government Areas (LGAs). This includes local councils, community groups, not-for-profit organisations, Local Aboriginal Land Councils, schools and neighbourhood centres.

Further information and eligibility.

Community Initiated Proposals - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

Open: Now
Closes: Not specified
Value:  Not specified
Run By: Australian Government – National Indigenous Australians Agency
Under the IAS, the NIAA considers grant proposals that address a need for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Proposals must be developed with the community or group who will be impacted by the activity. Communities, organisations, businesses and individuals will still be able to approach the Agency with funding proposals. This will take place under the Agency Collaborates (Non-Competitive) Grant Opportunity Guidelines (GOGs). The NIAA recognises that preparing a grant application is a significant commitment of time for any organisation. The Agency will therefore review your funding proposal before you are asked to prepare a full application.

Further information & eligibility. 

Employment Assistance Fund

Open: Now
Closes: Not specified
Value:  Not specified
Run By: Australian Government – Job Access
The Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) helps people with disabilities and mental health conditions to buy work-related modifications and services.The EAF is available to people with disability who are about to start a job or who are currently working, as well as people who need help to find and prepare for a job. It is also available to people with disability who are self-employed, and job seekers who need Auslan assistance, or special work equipment to look for and prepare for a job.

Further information and eligibility.

Infrastructure Grants

Strengthening Rural Communities – Bushfire Recovery Stream

Open: Now
Closes: 5pm, 30 August 2022
Value: Up to $25,000. Total fund allocation is $650,000
Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR)

Glen Innes Severn LGA is listed as a declared fire-affected area. This fund stream will support initiatives that support the recovery and future preparedness of communities affected by the 2019/20 Black Summer Bushfires.

Community Infrastructure Projects and enhancing community spaces to increase community use are eligible activities.

Further information & eligibility.

COVID-19 Support for Community, Business & Individuals

Strengthening Rural Communities – Rebuilding Regional Communities - COVID-19 Stream

Open: Now
Closes: 30 August 2022
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR), on behalf of the Australian Government

This grant program is a special funding stream to support communities adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that is available in partnership with the Australian Government.
Grants are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that assist communities to recover from and adapt to the impacts of the COVID pandemic.  Funds can support community-led, place-based initiatives that:
  • Enhance the process of recovery from the COVID pandemic for remote, rural and regional communities;
  • Reduce social isolation and foster stronger, more resilient remote, rural and regional communities; and/or
  • Sustain local, regional, rural and remote organisations and their work.
The Rebuilding Regional Communities stream received grant funding from the Australian Government.

Further information & eligibility.

Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment – Individual Workers

Open: Now
Closes: Not Specified
Value: For each 7-day period of self-isolation, quarantine or caring: $450 if you lost at least 8hrs or a full day’s work, and less than 20 hours of work; $750 if you lost 20hrs or more of work.
Run By: Australian Government - Services Australia

If you’re eligible, the Australian Government will pay you for each period you’ve been told to self-isolate or quarantine, or are caring for someone who has COVID-19. The Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment (PLDP) is taxable income. It won’t be prefilled in your tax return or show on your Centrelink payment summary.

If you lost less than 8 hours or a full day’s work during the 7-day period of self-isolation, quarantine or caring, you won’t be eligible for this payment. A full day’s work is the hours you were scheduled to work or would usually work on a given day. This includes not being able to attend a full-time, part-time or casual shift of less than 8 hours.

Further information & eligibility.

COVID-19 Tax Relief Measures NSW - Businesses

Open: Now
Closes: Not specified
Value: Tax relief measures
Run By: NSW Government - Revenue

Tax relief support is available for NSW businesses impacted by COVID-19. 2021 payroll tax deferral and new support payment arrangement for ALL businesses:

  • 50% reduction in 2021/22 payroll tax liability for businesses with grouped Australian wages of $10 million or less who experienced a 30% decline in turnover
  • Payroll tax customers eligible for a 2021 COVID-19 Business Grant or JobSaver payment whose total grouped Australian wages for the 2021/22 financial year are $10 million or less, will have their annual tax liability reduced by 50% when they lodge their  2022 Annual Payroll Tax Reconciliation online.
  • Customers with total grouped wages of $10 million or less, who did not receive a 2021 COVID-19 Business Grant or JobSaver payment, may still be eligible for the 50% reduction if they are able to demonstrate that they have experienced a 30% decline in turnover during a minimum 14-day period during the ‘Greater Sydney lockdown’ (26 June to 30 November 2021) compared to the same period in 2019 or 2020.

Further information & eligibility.

Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) - Households

Open: Now
Closes: Not specified
Value: $50 EAPA vouchers
Run By: NSW Government – Service NSW

If you're having difficulty paying your current household energy bill because of a short-term financial crisis or emergency, such as unexpected medical bills, or reduced income due to COVID-19, you could be eligible for Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) $50 vouchers.

Further information & eligibility.

Information sources and disclaimer: Information for this February 2022 newsletter was sourced from,, Regional Development Australia Northern Inland and/or the following Government departments and business organisations on grants and funding programs.
NSW Government – Rural Assistance Authority, NSW Government – Department of Planning, Industry & Environment through Service NSW, NSW Government - Destination NSW, NSW Government – Regional NSW, NSW Government – Department of Veterans Affairs, Australian Government – Department of Health, Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR), National Australia Bank, Community Broadcasting Foundation, Australian Government – SportAus, NSW Government – Department of Regional NSW, Australian Government - Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, NSW Government – Office of Sport, NSW Government – Sport NSW, Australian Government - Services Australia, Australian Government – Indigenous Business Australia.


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