Glen Innes Severn Council is a part of the local community and provides services to the community. Residents are Council’s customers and Council is your servant – that’s the Local Government relationship which we all respect. Council’s priority is the local community. Therefore, Council is operating and making decisions during the Coronavirus Pandemic with the focus firmly on the community and Council’s role as a part of the community.
That’s why Council is implementing operational strategies specific to whatever stage of the Coronavirus Pandemic we all find ourselves in at any point in time. We are aligning how we work with up-dated guidelines issued by the Federal and NSW State Government.
Council has commenced social distancing strategies such as the new customer service system in place at the front counter at the Town Hall offices. We’ve closed the Church Street offices and centralised our contact with customers by operating from the Town Hall. Council is also social distancing behind the scenes. Staff are working in smaller teams and in more locations, and some will be working from home. We are using our digital capacities more, so that we group together less.
Non-essential services have already been closed, such as the swimming pools, the library, the visitor information centre and the youth centre. The focus is on keeping essential services such as waste and water, functioning normally, and making sure that what residents need from Council can be provided within the realistic confines of this new operating environment.
Council has also implemented hygiene measures as advised by the NSW Department of health. This includes hand washing, extra cleaning, observing hygiene etiquette and being generally more conscious of how we interact. Indoor and outdoor staff who are ill will not be coming to the workplace. Where isolation is mandated, it will be abided.
Council urges our whole community to activate a way of living and working which shares the responsibility of minimising the impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic here, in our Local Government Area. It’s up to all of us, individually and collectively, to contribute to as positive a road through this as possible.
You can do a number of things which make a difference. These include:
• Observing NSW Department of Health guidelines and mandates;
• Not going to work, shopping or socially interacting if you are ill;
• Observing hygiene measure such as washing hands, covering up sneezes and coughs and doing extra cleaning, particularly of hard surfaces;
• Taking preventative measures such as using gloves, tissues (disposed of after use), disinfectants, hand sanitisers and masks (if you have flu symptoms);
• Practising social distancing and reducing social interaction generally;
• Limiting non-essential organised gatherings;
• Being observant of protecting vulnerable residents such as the aged and the chronically ill;
• Reducing travel outside the local area;
• Seeking medical advice or intervention if you have flu symptoms or are otherwise unwell.
These steps work in slowing down the transmission of the COVID-19 virus in the community. Slowing it down means that we put less pressure on the health system and the community. It also means that we can all continue to work and function as well as possible in the circumstances. It reduces stress, panic and the possibility of emergencies and chaos.
If you are a member of a club or social group, spread the message about how we can all share the responsibility for our individual and collective benefit. Help all members of your family to understand and implement what is in their best interests. In your business or workplace take the lead to action sensible strategies that assist everyone.
Council takes this opportunity to thank residents for your patience and for understanding that we have had to take steps in the way we work and how we serve you, in the interests of the entire community.
Craig Bennett
General Manager
Acknowledgement of Country
Glen Innes Highlands acknowledges and pays respect to the Ngarabul people as the traditional custodians of this land, their elders past, present and emerging, and to Torres Strait Islander people and all First Nations people.
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