Local Tourism & Events News The latest updates on tourism projects, events, and business opportunities relevant to local businesses in the tourism industry. It's been such a busy time for our local tourism operators. The New England Highway proved to be a popular route for school holidaymakers, many of who were avoiding the extreme wet conditions through Greater Sydney and the Hunter Region. These visitors were looking for fossicking adventures, fireside experiences, good food and nature. Information on walks in the World Heritage-listed Gibraltar Range and Washpool National Parks was high on many visitors' lists of things to do. August is a great time for tourism businesses to start planning for spring and thinking about what they can do to leverage the beautiful burst of colour that the New England region experiences in September. The ultimate outcome is for those day trippers and school holidaymakers traversing the New England region to stay a few days longer in our exquisite part of the world. To view our events calendar and latest news, go to the Glen Innes Highlands website or visit the Glen Innes Visitor Information Centre for the latest road closures, tourism businesses opening hours and seasonal things to do with friends, relatives and visitors in the region. Please let us know if you are offering a new product, experience or event. Email the details and any promotional material or imagery to [email protected]. You can also upload your event or experience to the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse to leverage a larger audience of potential visitors/customers. Rhonda Bombell Tourism & Events Officer Economic Development Team Glen Innes Severn Council | | DNCO NSW Destination Management Plan The role of Destination Networks is to champion the visitor economy of the region, proactively engaging with stakeholders to identify, prioritise and facilitate opportunities for regional visitor economy growth. | | | Glen Innes Highlands' Economic Development team recently attended a consultation workshop for input into the Destination Network Country & Outback New South Wales (DNCO NSW) Destination Management Plan (DMP) 2022 - 2030, ensuring the continued enhancement of experiences and events in our region. | | NSW International Visitation & Hospitality Spending Surge We all knew we were busy during May and the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) report has proved that NSW is the most popular destination in Australia. The number of visitor arrivals on short-term trips was 81,990 - an increase of 65,510 compared with May 2021. See new data here. | | | $422m to Boost NSW Visitor Economy The NSW Government is investing $422 million to cement New South Wales as the premier visitor economy of the Asia Pacific and reach its target of $65 billion in total visitor expenditure by 2030. Learn more. | | | New Visitor Information Centre App Visitors throughout Australia can find trusted advice through the new Australian Visitor Information Centre App. Visitors can download the geo-activated app and be notified when they are reaching an accredited centre. | | | The detailed maps are available online and offline, and show points of interest, including accommodation, campgrounds, food and drinks, attractions, road warnings and much more. Glen Innes Visitor Information Centre is looking at upgrading its listing to an Explore Package, which will give our town more exposure by highlighting our page with pictures and extra information, and informing visitors on up-to-date events information as they drive into town. More information including how to download the app is available here. | | Local Business Opportunities & Industry Updates | | | Last Chance to Apply for Small Business Month Grants Apply for grants of up to $5,000 for events that directly benefit and support the small business community between 1 to 30 November 2022. NSW Small Business Month is a program that brings together industry associations, small business advocates and government to upskill and connect. | | | Events can be delivered in person or online and must be free of charge for attendees. Applications close 5pm, Friday 5 August 2022. Further information & eligibility. | | | Healing Tourism, Healing Country Intro Course Imagine the potential global impact - organisations with 'purpose beyond profit' business models grounded in local ecological knowledge. This is an opportunity to register for Regeneration Projects' mini-series, which shares ideas and tools developed by Australian tourism organisations. Book now. | | Staff Shortages - Welcome to Travel Helps Find Employees As part of their travel service for international backpackers, Welcome to Travel helps travellers to find jobs by linking them with employers. Employers can join the employment database so they can be discovered by travellers and can post jobs. It takes just five minutes to input information through a simple questionnaire and it is completely free for employers. Learn more. | | | Australian Celtic Festival 2023 - Year of Scotland Planning for the 2023 Australian Celtic Festival, highlighting the Year of Scotland, is well underway, with some exciting new programs added to the festivities. Performer, Clans & Societies and Volunteer applications are open now. Any tourism providers who would like to discuss how they can become a sponsor, participate in the window dressing displays, or host any special events coinciding with the festival can phone Council's Tourism & Events Officer Rhonda Bombell on (02) 6730 2408 or email [email protected]. | | Glen Innes Ag Station Celebrates 120 Years 'Save the Date' of Saturday 15 October for a wonderful community event. Organiser Carmen Elvins is calling out to all businesses and organisations who would like to take up the opportunity to set up a display to highlight their business, a new product or a topic that will interest local producers and other members of the public. If you have any ideas and would like to be involved, phone Carmen on 0422 821 487 or email [email protected]. | | Christmas in the Highlands Many businesses took advantage of the colder weather to showcase Christmas in July events, which leads perfectly to a festive reminder that this year's Christmas in the Highlands free community event will be held from 5.00pm to 8.00pm on Thursday 24 November. | | | Businesses in Grey Street are encouraged to think about how they can get involved, such as extending their trading hours or having a stall themselves. For more information, phone Council's Tourism & Events Officer Rhonda Bombell on (02) 6730 2408 or email [email protected]. | | Local Marketing and Promotion Updates | | | Glen Innes Highlands on Social Media If you are sharing content on social media that is relevant to our visitors, businesses, and community, be sure to tag us in your posts, as we regularly share local content via our Glen Innes Highlands Facebook and Instagram accounts. | | | Include the following tags in your social media posts: Facebook: @GlenInnesHighlands Instagram: @gleninneshighland #gleninneshighlands | | Glen Innes Highlands, Where You'd Rather Be Discover a place that's ready to embrace your dreams, cultivate your ideas and celebrate your success. | | | | |