Bid Blast #5 November 2018
Grant Funding Opportunities and Resources
Welcome to Glen Innes Severn Councils newsletter informing committees, community groups, not for profits of potential funding opportunities through grants.
Whilst the concept of applying for a grant, to those of us unfamiliar with such processes, may seem complicated, burdensome or even beyond our current scope of expertise, the benefits of receiving funding, to improve and even fast track the success of our organisation’s objectives, may far outweigh the effort required to go through the sometimes lengthy application processes and meet the requirements thereof. Initially we may be best to seek experienced advice, where possible; however, by reading the guidelines of the particular grant fund we should gain clues as to our way forward and what specialised help we may require, if any. Such guidelines provided by the grant fund sponsor will generally cover such details as the eligibility requirements, the minimum and maximum amounts available, specific or general intent for the use of the funding, how each application will be judged with details on how to fill out each section of the application including what documentation will be required.
The main criteria for most grants, generally, falls under 2 categories: eligibility and merit. Eligibility usually covers: the type and size of an organization; its location; purpose funds can be used for; project type and size etc. When it comes to evaluating merit some relevant matters to consider are: the benefits from the project economically, socially, regionally etc.; the needs of the organisation; the resources available to carry out and maintain the project to completion and beyond; the timeframes around delivery, start and completion of the project; risk analysis; experience within the organization relevant to delivery; and the documentation provided to evidence aspects of the project and proposed benefits.
Most grants have an open and close date so being on top of what grants are available to your organization and their application deadlines will assist in making early decisions to go for a grant and increasing your opportunities to be successful. Looking out for this bid blast is a way to keep up to date, as well as visiting or subscribing to websites and newsletters that provide such information (Some links, of which, are provided in this newsletter).
Kind regards,
Dennis McIntyre – Grants Officer GISC – [email protected] – (02) 6730 2410
The Regional Development Australia (Norther Inland NSW) website is a great place to keep across grants and other funding opportunities available for our region. It also has an option to subscribe for email alerts regarding grant opportunities.
Whilst we may have experienced many wonderful rain events during the month of October, many of us are still hurting from the recent drought which has effected most of New South Wales. Both the federal and state governments have increased drought relief funding. A page aggregating some of the funding and relief opportunities for individuals and community not for profits can be found here:
There is a significant list of community funding opportunities listed here:
One to note the Regional Employment Trials program which is currently open:
This page is wonderful resource to keep bookmarked. It provides links to various community grants available
The Building Better Regions Fund round three is now open and closes on the 15th November 2018 at 5pm. It is a federally funded grant and this round has $200 million available, with $45 million earmarked for tourism projects. There are two streams available one for infrastructure projects and the other for community investments. The grant sizes will range from a minimum of $20 thousand up to a maximum of $10 million. If you do not have a project that may be eligible for this round, you may keep an eye out for future rounds. Information for this fund may be found here:
An extra $15 million dollars has been put towards the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR). This foundation provides numerous grants for not for profit organistations. Round 11 of the Tackling Tough Times Together (TTTT) grant is now open. This program is specifically targeted to assist communities through the drought. Applications for round 11 are to be submitted by November 27th 2018. Further rounds will then be open and ongoing into next year. Please visit their website linked here for further information:
An extra $5 million has been put towards the Rural Financial Counselling service. This service can particularly help those looking to apply for the Farm Household Allowance. This service is not just available to farmers but assistance is also provided to fisheries, forest growers and harvesters, and related small businesses. Information can be found here:
Farm Household Allowance. Whilst this is targeted towards individual households and not community groups, there may be some community groups working directly with farming communities and can provide knowledge of this relief funding to affected families. Information on eligibility and how to apply is contained here:
There will be an information session regarding the FHA coming up in Inverell, at the Inverell Service Centre, 158 Otho Street, Inverell on Saturday 17 November, 2018 from 10am – 12pm.
Acknowledgement of Country
Glen Innes Highlands acknowledges and pays respect to the Ngoorabul people as the traditional custodians of this land, their elders past, present and emerging, and to Torres Strait Islander people and all First Nations people.
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