Bid Blast #9 April 2019
Grant Funding Opportunities and Resources
Welcome to Glen Innes Severn Council’s newsletter informing committees, community groups, businesses, and not for profits of potential funding opportunities through grants.
In the previous issue we discussed how identifying the need or problem is essential in formulating a plan. Logically, identifying the solution is the next step.
Grant providers will request the positive long-term outcomes and benefits that your project will deliver to the community. Some grants identify a problem in their purpose and your project must provide a solution, for that problem, in order to successfully meet the merit criterion. Just as community consultation helped identify a problem or concern, it may very well provide a solution also.
It is important to make sure that the project identified is realistic and achievable, and can be sustained in the future. Some grant funding may be sufficient to develop and deliver the project initially but it may not provide any further funding towards maintenance. It, therefore needs to be established how the project will be maintained long-term, and some funding applications request this information.
You may also need to show that your organisation is capable of delivering the project and be able to provide a track record of delivery. A pertinent question when identifying a project is: do we have the resources (access to the right people, materials, skills etc.) to complete the project successfully?
If you have successfully identified a need/problem and recognised the appropriate solution (project) and can deliver, you are well on your way toward a good application.
Next month we will look into the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of a project.
Kind regards,
Dennis McIntyre – Grants Officer GISC – [email protected] – 0427 405 317
Suitable For: Indigenous Corporation, Company, Co-Operative, Incorporated Association, Sole Trader, Partnership, Trustee on Behalf of a Trust, Unincorporated Association.
Closing date: 26 April 2019 11.00pm AEST
Value: Between $5,000 and $20,000 Run By: Boosting The Local Care Workforce Program
Further Information:
Under this Transition Assistance Funding opportunity, eligible disability service providers will be able to apply for funding of up to $20,000 (GST exclusive) to purchase tailored professional services, including business advice.
The Transition Assistance Funding aims to assist organisations to:
1. attract, retain and optimise their workforce
2. improve awareness of the opportunities and ability to enter/expand and collaborate in the disability sector
3. develop skills and capabilities required to effectively operate in a consumer driven disability market
Suitable For: Indigenous Corporation, Company, Corporate Commonwealth Entity, Non-Corporate Commonwealth Statutory Authority, Commonwealth Company, Corporate State or Territory Entity, Non-Corporate State or Territory Authority, Local Government, Cooperative, Incorporated Association, Sole Trader, Statutory Entity, Person, Trustee on behalf of a Trust, Unincorporated Association.
Closing date: 11pm 30th April 2019
Value: Stream 1: Maximum $40,000 Stream 2: maximum $12,500 (All GST Exclusive)
Run By: Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
Further Information:
The objectives of the ACACA program are: promote bilateral cooperation in agriculture, fisheries and forestry between Australia and China; develop the trading relationship between Australia and China; and exchange scientific information to enhance cooperation and develop linkages between Australia and China.
The 2019 grant opportunity provides funding for two streams of activities, which are:
Stream 1 Projects—funding to undertake a project in Australia and/or China.
Stream 2 Trade missions—funding to cover travel costs for trade missions to China Applicants may apply for funding for one or both streams.
All applications are assessed using an open competitive, merit-based process. All funded activities under both streams must meet the ACACA program objectives and align with at least one of the funding priorities for this grant opportunity.
Suitable For: a Child Care Subsidy (CCS) approved operator of an approved child care service under Family Assistance Law
Closing date: 11pm Friday 5th April 2019
Value: Sustainability Support $2,000 – $200,000; Community Support $5,000 – $100,000; Capital Support $50,000 – $150,000
Run By: Department of Education and Training
Further Information:
The Australian Government is inviting applications from eligible child care services in an open competitive process to apply to deliver services under the CCCF from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2021.
The CCCF is part of the Australian Government’s Child Care Safety Net, which contributes to giving the most vulnerable children a strong start in life while supporting parents into work.
Grants provided under the CCCF are intended to supplement fee income received from families, including Child Care Subsidy and Additional Child Care Subsidy payments.
The intended outcomes of the CCCF are to:
• improve early childhood development outcomes for vulnerable and disadvantaged children; and
• increase workforce participation by vulnerable and disadvantaged families.
Suitable For: Anyone 16 years or older as of 15th May 2019 and who reside in NSW and have identified a sponsor who agrees to support the delivery of the project.
Closing date: 2pm 15th May
Value: $20,000 – $200,000
Run By: NSW Government Department of premier and Cabinet
Further Information:
My Community Project is all about local ideas, local projects and local decisions.
For the first time, individuals will be able to put forward their ideas for community projects and vote for the best ideas in their area. The projects that get the most votes will receive funding to deliver their project in their community. In 2019, $24.4 million is available to support projects across NSW.
Now is the time to start thinking about projects to benefit the community where you live. New playground equipment or sports facilities for the kids, paths or ramps to improve access, a community garden to rejuvenate an empty space – these are all things that can revitalise communities.
Suitable For: Schools and pre-schools, community organisations and local councils
Closing date: 5pm Thursday 4th April
Value: $50,000 – $1.5 million
Run By: Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Further Information:
The Safer Communities Fund Round 4 provides schools and pre-schools, community organisations and local councils with grants of between $50,000 and $1.5 million for security infrastructure and engagement activities to protect children in the community who are at risk of attack, harassment or violence stemming from racial or religious intolerance.
Project activities can include:
Infrastructure activities such as installing:
• fixed or mobile CCTV cameras
• security lighting
• fencing
• bollards
• security and alarm systems
• public address systems
• intercoms and swipe access
• Employing or hiring security guards, licensed by the relevant state or territory agency, for schools and preschools.
Engagement activities such as:
• social cohesion projects that reduce the chance of children being attacked or harassed due to racial or religious intolerance
• community and youth engagement forums targeted at people at risk of offending to reduce security risks stemming from racial or religious intolerance
• training for staff at organisations who work with children with the aim of reducing racial or religious intolerance
• other preventative activities that can demonstrate a reduction in the chance of children being attacked or harassed due to racial or religious intolerance.
Suitable For:
Incorporated, not-for-profit sports clubs in NSW; State or national sporting organisations on behalf of member clubs located in NSW, to a maximum of 10 per Zone; Licensed sporting clubs, providing that the project directly benefits sporting activities; Sport clubs associated with a school, church or university providing they are an incorporated not for profit club in their own right; Councils on behalf of sports clubs; Councils, sport and recreational facilities owners on behalf of sports clubs;
Service clubs such as Rotary, CWA and Lions, on behalf of sporting clubs.
Closing: 6th May 2019.
Value: Maximum Zone 2 – Up to 50% of the selected AED price in Zone 2 capped at $1,300
Run By: NSW Government – Office of Sport
Further Information:
The Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program allocates $4 million over four years to assist sporting clubs across NSW in the purchase and maintenance of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).
An AED is a life saving device which delivers a controlled shock to an individual experiencing cardiac arrest, increasing their chances of survival.
The Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program provides NSW sports clubs and councils the opportunity to acquire an AED package for their club or sports facility at a reduced cost.
Sporting organisations and councils will be able to choose from a panel of approved AED Panel Service Providers and a variety of AED packaged services with the level of customer service that meets their needs.
Suitable For: Regional artists, art organisations and community groups.
Closing date: Ongoing
Value: Up to $1,500
Run By: Regional Arts NSW
Further Information:
Made available under the Regional Arts Fund allocation for NSW, Quick Response Grants offer funding of up to $1,500 for regional artists, arts organisations and communities to respond to unique arts opportunities that present themselves at very short notice. The program is intended to:
• support professional development opportunities for artists and arts workers involved in community programs that will increase their knowledge, skills and experience
• support skills and or arts development for individuals and groups in regional communities through the employment of arts and cultural workers to conduct workshops, seminars and forums.
‘Quicks’ are offered on a quarterly basis. There is no deadline for applications, which may be made as required, although applications are processed on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Applicants MUST speak to the Funding Manager at Regional Arts NSW before applying (see contact details below). Decisions will be advised within 5 working days of receipt.
Suitable For: Bona fide national incorporated Ex-Service Organisations (ESOs)
Closes: 11pm Wednesday, 1st May 2019
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Further Information:
The program aims to support national ex service organisations (ESOs) to provide coordinating and representational support within the Australian veteran and Defence community.
The objective of the grant opportunity is to fund discrete projects or activities that address a specific problem or issue and will achieve a clear benefit to the Australian ex-service and Defence community.
The intended outcomes of the program are to:
• encourage co-operation and communication between the ex-service community, ESOs and the Australian Government
• assist ESOs to:
support their branches, sub-branches and affiliated organisations in performing advocacy, pensions and welfare work
• advance the objectives of all ESOs more generally, including improved co operation and communication between national bodies, branches, sub branches and affiliated organisations on repatriation and military compensation matters.
Suitable For: Bona fide national incorporated Ex-Service Organisations (ESOs)
Closes: 11pm Tuesday, 2nd May 2019
Value: The Australian Government has announced a total of $4.115 million GST exclusive for the 2019-20 financial year. The grant amount available for each organisation will be determined on the basis of the total funds available and the workload information provided in your application (see Section 7.2 of the Guidelines for more information).
Run By: Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Further Information:
The Program is intended to assist the veteran and defence communities by providing support and resources to ESO practitioners for pensions, advocacy and/or welfare work. It assists ESOs by providing a contribution to the work of these practitioners. It does not fully fund an organisation. Grants under this grant opportunity must assist in meeting the objectives and outcomes of the program. The objectives of the program are to assist ESOs to:
• improve the quality of claims received by DVA at the primary determining level
• reduce the rate of appeals to the Veterans’ Review Board (VRB) and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
• promote the provision of welfare services to the veteran and defence community. The intended outcomes of the program are to ensure:
• the veteran and defence communities are able to benefit from having better informed ESO practitioners who can ensure claims lodged with DVA are of a high standard and contain all required information to enable timely and quality decisions
• ESO practitioners will assist in improving claims assessment efficiency
• the veteran and defence communities will have access to appropriate compensation and welfare advocacy services.
Suitable For: Public Cultural Organisations
Closes: Applications are ongoing on a case-by-case basis
Value: $500,000 is available each year
Run By: Australian Government Department of Communications and the Arts
Further Information:
The National Cultural Heritage Account helps Australian public cultural organisations buy significant objects that they could not otherwise afford. Australian cultural institutions can apply for funding. This includes museums, art galleries, libraries, archives, historic buildings, national trusts and local history museums and galleries, and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander keeping places for sacred/secret material.
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Up to $4,000
Run By: Department of Veterans Affairs
Further Information:
The STS Commemorative Grants program is designed to preserve Australia’s wartime heritage and to involve people throughout the nation in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s servicemen and women in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and promote appreciation and understanding of the role that those who served have played in shaping the nation.
Two categories of grants are available under the STS program:
Community Commemorative Grants (CCG) – Grants up to a maximum of $4,000 are available for community-based commemorative projects and activities. This includes, for example, the building of community memorials and the preservation of wartime memorabilia that is significant locally but is not necessarily nationally significant.
Major Commemorative Grants (MCG) – Grants in excess of $4,000 are available for projects and activities that are significant, usually from a national, state or territory perspective and that contribute to Australia’s understanding of its wartime heritage and honour the service and sacrifice of its servicemen and women.
Closes: Ongoing
Value: $20,000 and over
Run By: Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation
Further Information:
VFFF aspires to a stronger and brighter future for people and places experiencing disadvantage, enabling them to reach their educational, social and economic potential and build thriving communities by making grants to charities registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
The foundation has a strong focus on supporting regional areas, with 59% of funds approved in thge 2018 financial year being for work in regional areas.
Closing date: 30th of June 2020
Value: $7,500 to $200,000
Run By: Australian Government Department of Jobs and Small Business
Further Information:
The Northern Inland is one of only ten regions across Australia to be selected for the Regional Employment Trials Program. The Regional Employment Trials program provides local stakeholders in selected regions, including businesses, not-for-profits and local government agencies, with grants to trial local approaches to delivering employment related projects.
The objectives of the program are to deliver:
• strong connections between regional stakeholders, including employment services providers
• employment initiatives that meet local needs
• improved awareness of local labour markets
• the potential for improved regional employment outcomes
Grants are for between $7,500 and $200,000, for up to 75% of eligible project costs. Projects must be completed by 30 June 2020.
Applicants should contact the Employment Facilitator for the Northern Inland, and they will help determine if the project is aligned to local employment priorities, and connect applicants with an employment services provider if needed.
Before applying, applicants must submit information about their project to RDANI using the RDA project proposal template. RDANI will committee will provide you with written feedback using the RDA project proposal template which must be attach to the full grant application.
Acknowledgement of Country
Glen Innes Highlands acknowledges and pays respect to the Ngarabul people as the traditional custodians of this land, their elders past, present and emerging, and to Torres Strait Islander people and all First Nations people.
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