New grants listed in this newsletter:
• Safer Communities Fund – Round 5 – Infrastructure Grants
• Empowering Our Commmunities
• NSW Government Infrastructure Grants
• Driving Social Inclusion Through Sport and Physical Activity
• Youth Jobs PaTH
• Future Makers
• Local Sport Grant Program
• Smart Farms Small Grants Round 3
Safer Communities Fund – Round 5 – Infrastructure Grants
Suitable For: Schools and pre-schools, places of religious worship, community organisations and local councils
Closing date: 10 December 2019, 5pm (AEDT)
Value: $10,000 minimum and up to $500,000 per project and $1 million per organisation
Run By: Australian Government
Further Information:
The Safer Communities Fund Round 5 Infrastructure grants provide schools and pre-schools, places of religious worship, community organisations and local councils with grants of up to $1 million for crime prevention initiatives aimed at reducing crime, violence, anti-social behaviour and/or other security risks driven by racial and/or religious intolerance.
Project activities can include:
- Infrastructure activities, such as installing:
fixed or mobile CCTV cameras
security lighting
fencing and gates
external blast walls and windows
security and alarm systems
public address systems
intercoms and swipe access.
- Employing or hiring security guards, licensed by the relevant state or territory agency, for schools or preschools.
Empowering Our Communities
Suitable For: Organisations that can provide community led mental health, social and emotional wellbeing and suicide prevention initiatives that support communities significantly impacted by drought conditions.
Closing date: Open now. Submissions may close due to funding availability
Value: There are three tiers of grant funding available:
- Projects up to $10,000 (GST exclusive)
- Projects between $10,000 - $30,000 (GST exclusive)
- Projects between $30,000 - $50,000 (GST exclusive)
Run By: Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network
A range of activities and topics could be considered appropriate to receive one-off funding, including:
- Community events or workshops that promote resilience and reduce stigma associated with mental illness and accessing mental health and suicide prevention services
- Complementary and lifestyle activities known to improve physical and mental health, that can be delivered in a group setting, such as exercise classes, relaxation and yoga classes, mindfulness meditation classes; and
- Community education on topics such as managing stress, anxiety, depression and stigma. Community-led wellbeing initiatives should generally be group focused, promote individual and/or community resilience and reduce stigma associated with mental illness and accessing mental health and suicide prevention services
Applicants should demonstrate that the proposed activity is:
- Community driven and likely to be well supported
- Likely to deliver mental health and wellbeing benefits to individuals and/or promote community resilience
- Whether the proposed activities will support stigma reduction and greater access to appropriate mental health and suicide prevention services
NSW Government Infrastructure Grant (Clubgrants Category 3 Fund)
Suitable For: Organisation with an ABN that is responsible for operating and/or maintaining the infrastructure.
Closing date:
- November 2019 Round opens 18 November 2019 and closes on 9 December 2019 at 5pm (AEDT).
- March 2020 Round opens 16 March 2020 and closes 6 April 2020
- Arts and Culture $50,000 - $200,000 per project
- Disaster Readiness and Community Infrastructure $10,000 - $200,000 per project
- Sports and Recreation $100,000 - $300,000 per project
Run By: Responsible Gambling NSW which reinvests a contribution from the state’s registered clubs gaming machine profits back into community projects.
This year, the fund has expanded the emergency preparedness category to Disaster Readiness and Community Infrastructure, which will now include multi-use community facilities including halls and meeting spaces, community transport options; improvements to disability or community welfare infrastructure, infrastructure that supports youth, mental health, homelessness, and domestic violence services. In addition, community facilities that support the community suffering the impacts of drought will also be eligible.
Infrastructure that is accessible and available to the general public the majority of the time.
Infrastructure related to arts and culture, disaster readiness and community infrastructure, and sports and recreation.
Driving Social Inclusion through Sport and Physical Activity
Suitable For: Not-for-profit incorporated association, sporting organisation or a local government entity.
Closing date: 10 December 2019, 5pm (AEDT)
Value: Minimum $50,000
Run By: Australian Government
The Australian Government announced up to $19 million (GST exclusive) for the Driving Social Inclusion through Sport and Physical Activity grant opportunity to run over two years from 2019-2020 to 2020-21.
This grant opportunity will use sport and physical activity projects to address inclusion issues for vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and seeks to enhance wellbeing and instill a sense of community belonging.
Using sport and physical activity, the grant opportunity aims to contribute to the building of resilient, cohesive and harmonious communities to ensure that individuals, families and communities have the opportunity to thrive and have the capacity to respond to emerging needs and challenges.
The program is consistent with the Sport 2030 National Sport Plan commitment that “Every Australian, at all stages of their life regardless of gender, ability or ethnicity, and no matter where they live, are able to undertake the exercise they need and want in a safe, fun and inclusive way, whether it is through sport or other types of activity”.
The grant opportunity will target the following community groups to engage in sport and physical activity projects:
- newly arrived migrants and refugees;
- women;
- people with a physical or mental disability; and
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are to:
- increase the participation of vulnerable, disadvantaged individuals and families from targeted community groups in sport and physical activity;
- increase community pride and connection within targeted community groups; and
- increase the range of flexible, community based, participation opportunities available.
Community Swimming Grants Program
Suitable For: Organisations with the capability to provide or facilitate the provision of swimming and aquatics activities (including but not limited to learn to swim, water safety, aquatics fitness or play and competitive swimming programs and activities).
Closing date: 8 November 2019
Value: $5,000 - $10,000
Run By: Swimming Australia
The Australian Government is investing $28.9M over four years to get the least active Australians active through the Move It AUS - Participation Grants Program. Swimming Australia (SA) has received funding under the Move It AUS – Participation Grants Program. As part to this, SA has committed to providing a portion of this funding towards community level swimming and aquatics programs that align with the Move It AUS – Participation Grants Program objectives. We are calling this the Community Swimming Grants Program.
Local Sport Grant Program
Suitable For: Incorporated, not-for-profit grassroots ‘sport club’ (definition in the FAQ)
Closing date: 25 November 2019, 5pm
Value: $85,000 allocated to the electorate: Maximum amounts available are:
- Sport Development: $2,000
- Community Sport Events: $5,000
- Sport Access: $5,000
- Facility Development: $15,000
Run By: NSW Government Office of Sport
The $4.6 million Local Sport Grant Program aims to increase regular and ongoing participation opportunities in sport and active recreation in NSW.
Sport and active recreation is important, contributing significantly to our health, economy, social wellbeing and the liveability of our cities and communities.
The program supports the NSW Government’s commitment to enhance the quality of life of the people of NSW.
This year’s program has been established to:
- target opportunities specifically for women and girls
- overall participation opportunities
- support local communities affected by drought
Australian Government’s Youth Jobs PaTH
Suitable For: Businesses
Closing date: Ongoing
Value: Up to $11,000
Run By: Australian Government (jobactive)
Trial a young person to find out if they're the right fit for your business and get $1000 to help cover the costs of the trial. During the trial, you don't pay the young person. Instead, the Australian Government gives them $200 a fortnight on top of their income support and covers their insurance.
Businesses can also receive up to $10,000 (GST inclusive) through a Youth Bonus wage subsidy if they hire an eligible young person between 15 and 24 years of age.
The young person must:
• be a fully eligible participant, commenced with a jobactive or Transition to Work provider
• have received employment services from a provider (jobactive, Transition to Work, Disability Employment Services or Community Development Programme provider) continuously for the last six months
• have mutual obligation requirements at the time they commence in the wage subsidised job
• not been in a pre-existing employment relation with you in the previous six months
• not be an immediate family member
Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation
Suitable For: Community and Government Organisations.
Closing date: 18 November 2019 at 3pm sharp.
Value: Up to $100,000
Run By: NSW Environmental Trust
The Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation grants program seeks to: ‘Assist community and government organisations to contribute to the ongoing sustainable management and stewardship of significant environmental assets and services in NSW’.
The program is implemented in accordance with a formal program logic (Appendix 1: Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants Program - Program Logic) that articulates the objectives and expected outcomes of the program. Outcomes of the program will be delivered through achievement of the following program objectives:
• Improve and protect the quality of ecosystems and environmental assets managed by community groups, land managers and stakeholders.
• Enhance the management of environmental assets by facilitating the development of environmental expertise and stronger partnerships between individuals, community groups, governments and industry.
• Provide an appropriate, effective and sustainable mechanism to deliver Government policy, priorities and outcomes.
CWA of NSW Drought Aid
Suitable For: Farmers, farming dependent contractors and farming dependent families in drought areas.
Closing date: Open Now
Value: Up to $3000 for outstanding household expenses
Run By: Country Women’s Association of NSW
The Country Women’s Association of NSW is providing funds from its Disaster Relief Fund for drought relief in NSW. These monies are available for farming businesses that are drought affected and dependent on farming as their primary source of income. The monies are available for a wide range of expenses
National Landcare Program: Smart Farms Small Grants Round 3
Suitable For: Individuals or organisations capable of entering into a legally binding and enforceable agreement with the Commonwealth. Project eligibility requirements also.
Closing date: 19 December 2019, 11pm (AEDT)
Value: $5,000 - $50,000
Run By: Community Grants Hub
The Australian Government is inviting applications for projects to deliver services under the National Landcare Program – Smart Farms Small Grants Round 3.
Smart Farms Small Grants is an open, competitive, grant opportunity to support projects to increase farming, forestry and fishing communities’ awareness, knowledge, skills and capacity to adopt best practice sustainable agriculture.
The purpose of Smart Farms Small Grants is to support land manager practice change that will deliver more sustainable, productive and profitable food, fibre and forestry business while protecting Australia’s biodiversity; protecting and improving the condition of natural resources; and assisting Australia meet its international obligations.
The purpose will be achieved by supporting projects that contribute to achieving one or both of the program outcomes outlined below:
Outcome 1 – Increased adoption of best practice sustainable agriculture
Outcome 2 – Increase the capacity of land managers to adopt best practice sustainable agriculture
A total of $43.5 million (GST exclusive) is available for Smart Farms Small Grants across an anticipated six annual rounds (2017–18 to 2022–23).
Future Makers
Suitable For: Open to start-ups, social entrepreneurs and not-for-profit organisations who have a solution that meets the criteria (see further information below)
Closing date: 13th December 2019
Value: Six month program
Run By: Optus
Program criteria
Your solution needs to demonstrate the following criteria:
1. A technology-based solution that improves outcomes for disadvantaged and vulnerable people
2. How it embraces diversity and addresses inequality for minority groups
3. You must have a current minimum viable product of your solution
4. Addresses one of our focus areas: education, employability and health
5. The potential to grow and scale locally, across Australia or overseas
How it works
Shortlisted applicants will take part in a six-month program that aims to advance their technology-based minimum viable product and build their start-up, social impact and tech expertise.
During the six-month program, our Future Makers will participate in eight days of in-person workshops and webinars in between these touchpoints. Participants will also receive coaching from top talent and leaders at Optus and receive technology guidance and insights from industry experts. The program will culminate in a pitch night where our Future Makers will have the opportunity to pitch for funding to a wide audience.
At the end of the Optus Future Makers program, participants will have the opportunity to apply for the Singtel Group Future Makers Program. The Singtel Group Future Makers program comprises of leading telecommunications companies across Asia and includes: Singtel (Singapore), Optus (Australia), Globe Telecom (Philippines), Telkomsel (Indonesia) and AIS (Thailand).
Up to two finalists from each company will be selected to help grow and scale their solution in the Asia Pacific region.
Drought Assistance Fund NSW
Suitable For: Owner/Operator of a farm business in NSW.
Closing date: Applications may be made at any time.
Value: Interest free loans up to $50,000 Run By: Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Drought Assistance Fund provides NSW farmers with interest free loans to help them implement systems and management practices to increase the sustainability of their farm business. The loan can be used for:
• transport of livestock, fodder and / or water
• improving water and fodder infrastructure
• desilting dams
• collection and banking of genetic material of livestock
Interest free loans of up to $50,000 are available. The loan term is two years repayment free and then up to five years of principal only repayments. The loan must be repaid within seven years.
Regional Skills Relocation Grant
Suitable For: Eligible businesses must be operating in a NSW regional eligible industry and:
• relocating to, or setting up in, regional NSW and creating at least five ongoing full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs in a regional local community, or
• already operating in regional NSW and seeking to recruit eligible workers.
The business must be seeking employees that:
• are relocating from a metropolitan area to regional NSW. Regional residence must be at least 50km from original metropolitan residence and within the same region as the eligible business
• have an occupation listed on the NSW Skilled Occupation List(opens in a new window)
• are Australian citizens or permanent residents on the date they commence employment.
Closing date: Currently Open
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: NSW Government
The NSW Government has established the Regional Skills Relocation Grant to increase the availability of skilled and experienced workers for businesses setting up in, relocating to, or existing in regional NSW.
Grants will be available for businesses operating in NSW regional eligible industries. The funding is available to assist with the relocation costs of eligible skilled workers they employ that move from metropolitan areas to regional NSW.
Approved businesses will be reimbursed up to $10,000 to assist with the following relocation costs incurred by eligible skilled workers they employ:
• furniture removal
• travel for immediate family to relocate
• temporary accommodation for up to three months
• furniture storage for up to three months.
The NSW Government has committed $10 million for applications over the next four years—$2.5 million will be available each year, providing 250 grants of up to $10,000.
Small Grants for Rural Communities
Suitable For: Various Organisations
Closing date: Various
Value: Various
Run By: Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal
FRRR champions the economic and social strength of Australia’s rural, regional and remote communities. One of the key ways that we support communities to achieve their aims is by offering a broad range of grant programs. Each grant program has individual parameters and areas of focus but all have a common requirement that funds be used for a charitable purpose that benefits the residents of Australia's rural, regional or remote communities.
Australian Communities Foundation
Suitable For: Australian Registered Charitable Organisations
Closing date: Various
Value: Various
Run By: Australian Communities Foundation
ACF is committed to helping build healthy and resilient communities. To achieve this, ACF supports a range of charitable organisations and projects each year. Grants are made domestically and internationally through Australian registered charitable organisations for specific projects, or for purposes that support the ongoing activities of those organisations.
With over 300 sub-funds, ACF provides over 500 grants annually that broadly fall into the following categories: arts and culture, community development and advocacy, community services and welfare, disability, training and employment, environment, health and medical research, education and overseas aid and development. Within these categories, target groups are also supported, including Indigenous communities and refugee/asylum seekers.
ACF also administers a number of specific scholarships and awards to promote educational achievement.
Quick Response Grants
Suitable For: Regional artists, art organisations and community groups.
Closing date: Ongoing
Value: Up to $1,500
Run By: Regional Arts NSW
Made available under the Regional Arts Fund allocation for NSW, Quick Response Grants offer funding of up to $1,500 for regional artists, arts organisations and communities to respond to unique arts opportunities that present themselves at very short notice. The program is intended to:
• support professional development opportunities for artists and arts workers involved in community programs that will increase their knowledge, skills and experience
• support skills and or arts development for individuals and groups in regional communities through the employment of arts and cultural workers to conduct workshops, seminars and forums.
‘Quicks’ are offered on a quarterly basis. There is no deadline for applications, which may be made as required, although applications are processed on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Applicants MUST speak to the Funding Manager at Regional Arts NSW before applying (see contact details below). Decisions will be advised within 5 working days of receipt.
National Cultural Heritage Account
Suitable For: Public Cultural Organisations
Closes: Applications are ongoing on a case-by-case basis
Value: $500,000 is available each year
Run By: Australian Government Department of Communications and the Arts
The National Cultural Heritage Account helps Australian public cultural organisations buy significant objects that they could not otherwise afford. Australian cultural institutions can apply for funding. This includes museums, art galleries, libraries, archives, historic buildings, national trusts and local history museums and galleries, and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander keeping places for sacred/secret material.
Thriving People and Places
Suitable For: NSW Charities and Not-for-profits
Closes: Ongoing
Value: $20,000 and over
Run By: Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation
VFFF aspires to a stronger and brighter future for people and places experiencing disadvantage, enabling them to reach their educational, social and economic potential and build thriving communities by making grants to charities registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
The foundation has a strong focus on supporting regional areas, with 59% of funds approved in the 2018 financial year being for work in regional areas.
Community Grants:
Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme
The Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme is now accepting Business Evaluation and Business Growth Grant applications.
The Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme, which is delivered through the Australian Government’s new Single Business Service, offers easy to access practical support to Australian businesses in a simplified and streamlined way. It is a new approach to the way government provides services to business that recognises Australia’s diverse business landscape and that the market and industry is changing in the global economy.
The Programme aims to improve the capabilities of small to medium enterprises to become more competitive and grow.
The Programme is now accepting applications for Business Evaluations, and Business Growth Grants under the Business Management stream. Information, including guidelines and application forms, are now available through
Business Evaluations – provide a top to bottom analysis of an eligible business, which meet the eligibility requirements and threshold qualifications, at their premises at no fee to the business for this service. The business receives a detailed report and recommendations for the business to make improvements. Evaluations are delivered through our national network of more than 100 experienced private sector advisers.
Business Growth Grants – are small, co-funded grants to engage external expertise to assist businesses with implementing improvements recommended by their Business Evaluation. Businesses must have received a Business Evaluation to be eligible to apply for a Business Growth Grant.
The Research Connections (September) and Commercialising Ideas (November) streams of the Programme will come online later this year and information about those services will be available in coming months.