Bid Blast #11 June 2019
Grant Funding Opportunities and Resources
Welcome to Glen Innes Severn Council’s newsletter informing committees, community groups, businesses, and not for profits of potential funding opportunities through grants.
Many funding sources, both private and government, require a ‘mix’ of funding in a project. This mix can include both cash and in-kind contributions. In-kind is generally considered a contribution to a project that has been provided as goods and/or services, instead of cash, that has a dollar value. Volunteer labor and donation of equipment, property or services can be considered in-kind contribution.
Often you will be required to detail the secured and committed cash and in-kind contributions to prove that they are applicable to the project, represent a genuine cost and are necessary for achieving the project goals. It is essential that such contributions are clearly documented both in the application stage as well as during the project so that expenditure of both the grant funding and other contributions can be evidenced.
The funding agency will assess your application based on the quality of your cash and in-kind contributions. They want to be sure that you have the resources to deliver on the objectives of the project. It is possible, sometimes, that you are able to secure funding for the same project from a variety of different grant providers. A recent example is that GISC was able to secure funding from both the NSW and Federal governments for a large project. Having secured funding from a reliable source such as the NSW Government added weight to the application for successfully sourcing funding from the Federal government. The fact that you can show that you already have secured reliable cash or in-kind contributions for your project definitely benefits your application.
When sourcing possible funding partners seek those who will benefit from the project. Partners can sometimes offer more to the project than just funding i.e. assisting in design, development, lobbying and expertise to the long term management of the project
Garnering multiple funding sources will benefit you in achieving sustainable project outcome]
Kind regards,
Dennis McIntyre – Grants Officer GISC – [email protected] – 0427 405 317
Suitable For: Owner/Operator of a farm business in NSW.
Closing date: Applications may be made at any time.
Value: Interest free loans up to $50,000
Run By: Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Further Information:
Drought Assistance Fund provides NSW farmers with interest free loans to help them implement systems and management practices to increase the sustainability of their farm business. The loan can be used for:
Interest free loans of up to $50,000 are available. The loan term is two years repayment free and then up to five years of principal only repayments. The loan must be repaid within seven years.
Closing date: Applications close on the 14 June 2019.
Value: $30,000
Run By: Nuffield Australia
Further Information: More information about Nuffield Australia can be found here
Nuffield, Australia’s leading agricultural research scholarship, is again open to the next generation of farmers. The 2019 theme is Collaborate, Innovate and Cultivate.
Have you considered how a $30k Nuffield Scholarship could assist you progress an innovative practice and cultivate the global networks to drive change in your businesses?
Whether it’s walking the halls of Westminster, accessing one of the world’s largest dairy farms in China or touring a leading wheat and maize research facility in Mexico, a Nuffield Scholarship presents a career defining opportunity for young farmers.
The scholarships
Scholarship benefits
To apply, please visit this link
Suitable For: Eligible businesses must be operating in a NSW regional eligible industry and:
relocating to, or setting up in, regional NSW and creating at least five ongoing full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs in a regional local community, or
already operating in regional NSW and seeking to recruit eligible workers.
The business must be seeking employees that:
are relocating from a metropolitan area to regional NSW. Regional residence must be at least 50km from original metropolitan residence and within the same region as the eligible business
have an occupation listed on the NSW Skilled Occupation List(opens in a new window)
are Australian citizens or permanent residents on the date they commence employment.
Closing date: Currently Open
Value: Up to $10,000
Run By: NSW Government
Further Information:
The NSW Government has established the Regional Skills Relocation Grant to increase the availability of skilled and experienced workers for businesses setting up in, relocating to, or existing in regional NSW.
Grants will be available for businesses operating in NSW regional eligible industries. The funding is available to assist with the relocation costs of eligible skilled workers they employ that move from metropolitan areas to regional NSW.
Approved businesses will be reimbursed up to $10,000 to assist with the following relocation costs incurred by eligible skilled workers they employ:
The NSW Government has committed $10 million for applications over the next four years—$2.5 million will be available each year, providing 250 grants of up to $10,000.
Suitable For: NSW Lotteries Agents that were active on 30 January 2015
Closing date: Open
Value: up to $10,000
Run By: NSW Government – Department of Industry
Further Information:
The Newsagents Assistance Fund assists eligible agents to update their NSW Lotteries retail image and fit-out to align with the NSW Lotteries brand.
Suitable For: Nominations are open to individuals and families involved in farming enterprises or rural communities.
Designed to: celebrate and applaud the outstanding achievements of those individuals and families making a significant contribution to Australian agriculture, and tell their story about farming
and life in rural Australia.
All category winners will get the opportunity to part in a one-day leadership program held in Canberra the day before the announcement ceremony. Supported by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, this workshop will assist award recipients to clarify and guide their leadership journey.
The 2019 award categories include:
The Kondinin Group and ABC Rural 2019 Australian Farmer of the YearYoung Farmer of the Year, sponsored by McDonaldsFarming Legend of the YearCommunity Leader of the Year, sponsored by Market CheckRural Consultant of the Year, sponsored by Corteva AgriscienceAgricultural Student of the Year *NEW*Award for Excellence in Innovation, sponsored by TelstraAward for Excellence in Technology, sponsored by New HollandAward for Excellence in Diversification, sponsored by DecipherAward for Excellence in Agricultural Research, sponsored by Corteva Agriscience *NEW*
Winners will be announced: at a special ceremony on 16 October 2019 at Parliament House, Canberra.
Key Criteria: Entrants can nominate themselves or be nominated by a third party.
Award recipients must be available from 14 October – 16 October 2019.
To submit a nomination, visit
Suitable For: Registered Companies, trusts, partnerships, registered charity or not-for-profits.
Next Round Closes: 28th of June 2019 – 8pm ACT Local Time
Value: Up to $650,000
Run By: Community Grants Hub on behalf of Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet – Office for Women
Further Information:
Funding to deliver a range of projects specifically for Australian women to improve outcomes for Australian women in five key focus areas, Women’s Economic Security, Women’s Workforce Participation, Women’s Leadership, Women’s Safety and International Engagement.
Suitable For:
Closes: 30 June 2019
Value: $15,000 to $150,000
Run By: Destination NSW
Further information:
Regional Tourism Product Development funding is available for new accommodation projects, infrastructure projects, visitor signposting and new attractions and experiences.
Suitable For: Regional Publishers and content providers.
Closing date: 14 June 2019 2.00pm AEST
Value: Between $1.00 and $400,000
Run By: Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
Further Information:
The objective of the Opportunity is to provide regional publishers with the financial security to conduct their business in the medium term so that they can take calculated risks to reorient their business models to adapt to the digital age. The grants are designed to assist regional publishers who can demonstrate a solid business case to increase the sustainability of their publishing activities, including news gathering, production, and distribution.
Suitable For: Charitable Organisations
Closing date: Opens June 2019
Value: Around $30,000
Run By: ANZ
Further Information:
The ANZ Staff Foundation is funded by regular contributions made by ANZ staff and ANZ. The Foundation aims to support projects run by charitable organisations which offer a direct and tangible benefit to local communities.
Suitable For: Various Organisations
Closing date: Various
Value: Various
Run By: Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal
Further Information:
FRRR champions the economic and social strength of Australia’s rural, regional and remote communities. One of the key ways that we support communities to achieve their aims is by offering a broad range of grant programs. Each grant program has individual parameters and areas of focus but all have a common requirement that funds be used for a charitable purpose that benefits the residents of Australia’s rural, regional or remote communities.
Strengthening Rural Communities- Small and Vital
Suitable For: Not-for-profit community-based organisations from communities across rural, regional and remote Australia where funds support projects and activities that offer clear public benefit (i.e. are for a charitable purpose) and address an agreed need in the community. Need to have an ABN or Incorporation Certificate.
Closing date: 25th June 2019
Value: Up to $10,000
Further Information:
Suitable For: The program has a strong preference to support grassroots organisations based in drought-affected regions over those delivering services to, but not based in affected regions. Projects led by local communities will be given strong preference.
Closing Date: 23rd July 2019
Value: Three tiers: 1. Up to $20,000; 2. Up to $60,000; 3. Up to $150,000
Further Information:
Projects in all tiers must clearly demonstrate a focus on one activity from the following seven activity areas. Click on the activity to reveal examples of what could be funded.
1. Building community resilience
2. Developing organisational resilience and capacity
3. Enhancing environmental sustainability
4. Fostering cultural vibrancy
5. Lifelong learning and education
6. Economic strength
7. Improving community health and social wellbeing
Suitable For: Organisations must have an ABN or be supported by an organisation with an ABN, and be undertaking the project in NSW. The planned activity must occur during Mental Health Month in October, promote positive mental health in the community and tie in with the theme for Mental Health Month 2018. Organisations or community groups wishing to submit a grant application can apply in only one category. Funds are not available for the self-promotion of for-profit organisations. Funds are not available for work that an organisation is already funded to undertake.
Closing Date: 21st June 2019
Value: $500-$1000
Run By: Mental Health Association – NSW
Further Information:
Each year a number of small grants are offered to assist the staging of mental health promotion activities or events during October’s Mental Health Month.
Suitable For: Australian Registered Charitable Organisations
Closing date: Various
Value: Various
Run By: Australian Communities Foundation
Further Information:
ACF is committed to helping build healthy and resilient communities. To achieve this, ACF supports a range of charitable organisations and projects each year. Grants are made domestically and internationally through Australian registered charitable organisations for specific projects, or for purposes that support the ongoing activities of those organisations.
With over 300 sub-funds, ACF provides over 500 grants annually that broadly fall into the following categories: arts and culture, community development and advocacy, community services and welfare, disability, training and employment, environment, health and medical research, education and overseas aid and development. Within these categories, target groups are also supported, including Indigenous communities and refugee/asylum seekers.
ACF also administers a number of specific scholarships and awards to promote educational achievement.
Suitable For: Regional artists, art organisations and community groups.
Closing date: Ongoing
Value: Up to $1,500
Run By: Regional Arts NSW
Further Information:
Made available under the Regional Arts Fund allocation for NSW, Quick Response Grants offer funding of up to $1,500 for regional artists, arts organisations and communities to respond to unique arts opportunities that present themselves at very short notice. The program is intended to:
‘Quicks’ are offered on a quarterly basis. There is no deadline for applications, which may be made as required, although applications are processed on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Applicants MUST speak to the Funding Manager at Regional Arts NSW before applying (see contact details below). Decisions will be advised within 5 working days of receipt.
Suitable For: Public Cultural Organisations
Closes: Applications are ongoing on a case-by-case basis
Value: $500,000 is available each year
Run By: Australian Government Department of Communications and the Arts
Further Information:
The National Cultural Heritage Account helps Australian public cultural organisations buy significant objects that they could not otherwise afford. Australian cultural institutions can apply for funding. This includes museums, art galleries, libraries, archives, historic buildings, national trusts and local history museums and galleries, and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander keeping places for sacred/secret material.
Closes: Ongoing
Value: Up to $4,000
Run By: Department of Veterans Affairs
Further Information:
The STS Commemorative Grants program is designed to preserve Australia’s wartime heritage and to involve people throughout the nation in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s servicemen and women in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and promote appreciation and understanding of the role that those who served have played in shaping the nation.
Two categories of grants are available under the STS program:
Grants up to a maximum of $4,000 are available for community-based commemorative projects and activities. This includes, for example, the building of community memorials and the preservation of wartime memorabilia that is significant locally but is not necessarily nationally significant.
Major Commemorative Grants (MCG) – Grants in excess of $4,000 are available for projects and activities that are significant, usually from a national, state or territory perspective and that contribute to Australia’s understanding of its wartime heritage and honour the service and sacrifice of its servicemen and women.
Suitable For: NSW Charities and Not-for-profits
Closes: Ongoing
Value: $20,000 and over
Run By: Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation
Further Information:
VFFF aspires to a stronger and brighter future for people and places experiencing disadvantage, enabling them to reach their educational, social and economic potential and build thriving communities by making grants to charities registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
The foundation has a strong focus on supporting regional areas, with 59% of funds approved in thge 2018 financial year being for work in regional areas.
Closing date: 30th of June 2020
Value: $7,500 to $200,000
Run By: Australian Government Department of Jobs and Small Business
Further Information:
The Northern Inland is one of only ten regions across Australia to be selected for the Regional Employment Trials Program. The Regional Employment Trials program provides local stakeholders in selected regions, including businesses, not-for-profits and local government agencies, with grants to trial local approaches to delivering employment related projects.
The objectives of the program are to deliver:
Grants are for between $7,500 and $200,000, for up to 75% of eligible project costs. Projects must be completed by 30 June 2020.
Applicants should contact the Employment Facilitator for the Northern Inland, and they will help determine if the project is aligned to local employment priorities, and connect applicants with an employment services provider if needed.
Before applying, applicants must submit information about their project to RDANI using the RDA project proposal template. RDANI will committee will provide you with written feedback using the RDA project proposal template which must be attach to the full grant application.
Further Community Grants may be found here:
The Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme is now accepting Business Evaluation and Business Growth Grant applications.
The Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme, which is delivered through the Australian Government’s new Single Business Service, offers easy to access practical support to Australian businesses in a simplified and streamlined way. It is a new approach to the way government provides services to business that recognises Australia’s diverse business landscape and that the market and industry is changing in the global economy.
The Programme aims to improve the capabilities of small to medium enterprises to become more competitive and grow.
The Programme is now accepting applications for Business Evaluations, and Business Growth Grants under the Business Management stream. Information, including guidelines and application forms, are now available through
Business Evaluations – provide a top to bottom analysis of an eligible business, which meet the eligibility requirements and threshold qualifications, at their premises at no fee to the business for this service. The business receives a detailed report and recommendations for the business to make improvements. Evaluations are delivered through our national network of more than 100 experienced private sector advisers.
Business Growth Grants – are small, co-funded grants to engage external expertise to assist businesses with implementing improvements recommended by their Business Evaluation. Businesses must have received a Business Evaluation to be eligible to apply for a Business Growth Grant.
The Research Connections (September) and Commercialising Ideas (November) streams of the Programme will come online later this year and information about those services will be available in coming months.
Further Business Grants may be found here:
Or here:
Acknowledgement of Country
Glen Innes Highlands acknowledges and pays respect to the Ngarabul people as the traditional custodians of this land, their elders past, present and emerging, and to Torres Strait Islander people and all First Nations people.
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